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  • Engelsk

Measuring equipment

LiMit Micrometer 150-175 mm - 1

Ex Skibs navn Empire Persia
New/Unused Yes
Quantity in stock 1
Storage location 32 D5
SKF Wear Down Gauge G1/4 A - 1

New/Unused Yes
Quantity in stock 1
Storage location 34 D3
Maddalena Water Meter - 1

Quantity in stock 1
Storage location 12 C6
Henrichs Messtechnik GmbH Level Meter MBSK1-220 Magnetic  DN/PN 25/40 - 1

Quantity in stock 1
Storage location Grus pladsen
Matre Maskin Pressure Calibrator TRT 1 - 1

Quantity in stock 1
Storage location 42 B8
Prüftechnik Oline Condition Moitoring Vibranet SignalMaster and Vibnode 7.150 - 1

Ex Skibs navn Oceanic Phoenix
Quantity in stock 1 Control and 2 Monitor Unit
Storage location 26 F3
ITE Automatic Holgen Leak Detector ITE-Xtra - 1

Ex Skibs navn Empire Persia
Quantity in stock 1
Storage location 24A C5
Kiene Model K-100 Cylinder Pressure Indicator - 1

Ex Skibs navn Empire Persia
Quantity in stock 1
Storage location 32 D5
Mitutoyo Inside Micrometer Set - 1

Ex Skibs navn Empire Persia
New/Unused Yes
Quantity in stock 1
Storage location 32 D5
Inside Micrometer Set - 1

Ex Skibs navn Empire Persia
Quantity in stock 1
Storage location 32 D5
Pressure Calibration - 1

Ex Skibs navn Gas Laura
Quantity in stock 1
Storage location 1 F3
Ultra Prüzision Crankshaft Deflection Gauge - 1

Ex Skibs navn Isleifur
Quantity in stock 1
Storage location 1 F3
MetOcean Oil Spill Tracker Buoy's - 1

Quantity in stock 1 Set
Storage location EL Gulv
Larzep Hydraulic Tryktransmitter tester - 1

Quantity in stock 1
Storage location 17 B2
Level Meter Flet Glass Liquid - 1

Quantity in stock 1
Storage location Grus pladsen
Test Prducts International Analog Insulation Resistance Tester (IRT) Sait-200 - 1

Ex Skibs navn Empire Persia
Quantity in stock 1
Storage location 24A C5
Mitutoyo Micrometer - 1

Ex Skibs navn Empire Persia
Quantity in stock 1
Storage location 32 D5
Level Meter Flet Glass Liquid - 1

Quantity in stock 1
Storage location Grus pladsen
Level Meter Flet Glass Liquid - 1

Quantity in stock 1
Storage location Grus pladsen
Level Meter Flet Glass Liquid - 1

Quantity in stock 1
Storage location Grus pladsen
Seetru Level Meter Flet Glass Liquid G32 Quickflex - 1

Quantity in stock 1
Storage location Grus pladsen
Level Meter Flet Glass Liquid - 1

Quantity in stock 1
Storage location Grus pladsen
Level Meter Flet Glass Liquid - 1

Quantity in stock 1
Storage location Grus pladsen

Quantity in stock 1
Storage location Grus pladsen
Level Meter Flet Glass Liquid - 1

Quantity in stock 1
Storage location Grus pladsen
Seetru Level Meter Flet Glass Liquid G32 Quickflex - 1

Quantity in stock 1
Storage location Grus pladsen
Test slanger for hydraulik med manometer - 1

Quantity in stock 2
Storage location 16 BB 8
Tank Level Gauge SI 700-316-304-02-11-160-R-M - 1

Ex Skibs navn Oceanic Phoenix
New/Unused Yes
Quantity in stock 2
Storage location 12 F8
Ashcroft El Bimetal Thermometer 0 - 250°F - 1

Quantity in stock 1
Storage location 37 D4
Ashcroft El Bimetal Thermometer 50 - 300°F - 1

Quantity in stock 2
Storage location 37 D4
Buderberg Standardtest Gauge 025% Accuracy 0-25 bar - 1

Quantity in stock 1
Storage location 37 D4
Buderberg Standardtest Gauge 025% Accuracy  0- 14 bar - 1

Quantity in stock 1
Storage location 37 D4
Niveau Level in Tank - 1

Ex Skibs navn Fosen
New/Unused Yes
Quantity in stock 1
Storage location 41 D6
Oval Group Flowmeter LS5276 Drive Mag,Rotor - 1

Ex Skibs navn Fosen
New/Unused Yes
Quantity in stock 2
Storage location 16 C7
Starrett Crankshaft Deflection Gauge - 1

Storage location 32 D5
Vand måler - 1

Storage location 12 C6
Instrumenter  Div.manometer - 1

Storage location mellem 8-9 på hylde
Murphy Diesel Series Pressure Swichgage and PXT-R Production Controls - 1

Quantity in stock 3
Storage location EL6 C3
Manometer 0-2500 PSI - 1

Quantity in stock 1
Econosto Termometer + Seals 0-120 *C - 1

Ex Skibs navn Sea Slice
Quantity in stock 2
Storage location 3 C7
Termometer lomme - 1

Ex Skibs navn Sea Pilot
New/Unused Yes
Quantity in stock 1
Storage location 42 C6
Badger Meter Europa GmbH Recordall Industrial Disc Serie Model 120 - 1

Quantity in stock 1
Storage location 38 E4
Unitor 5750A Super Scanner Halogen Leak Detector - 1

Quantity in stock 1
Storage location 18 D3
Sigur Technology High Pressure Oil and Fluid Sampler in Aluminlum - 1

Ex Skibs navn Normand Carrier
New/Unused Yes
Quantity in stock 3 Hele og 2 spare dele
Storage location 18 C4
Elster Flow meter S100  A*H A*V Qn2,5 m3/h  x0,0001 - 1

Ex Skibs navn King Fisher
Quantity in stock 1
Storage location 10 E4
Kawasaki Oil Level Gauge V Type - 1

Ex Skibs navn Oceanic Phoenix
New/Unused Yes
Quantity in stock 8
Storage location 13 C1
Aqua Metro VZO 8 Oil Meter - 1

New/Unused Yes
Quantity in stock 1
Storage location 2 H1
TIF Refrigerant Leak Detectors  RX-1A - 1

Quantity in stock 1
Storage location 23 B6

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