• Dansk
  • Engelsk


Nohab polar SF116VS-F - 1

Engine Type Propulsion
Number of cylinders V16
Quantity in stock 1
RPM 825
Serie nr. 2457
Storage location Grusplads
Wärtsila 12V32 - B Rating - 1

Engine Type 12V32
Ex Skibs navn Ex Sea tiger
Hours 71000
Number of cylinders 12V
Quantity in stock 1
RPM 750
Serie nr. 8022
Storage location Grus pladsen
Wärtsila 12V32 - B Rating - 1

Engine Type 12V32
Ex Skibs navn Ex Sea Tiger
Hours 73000
Number of cylinders 12V
Quantity in stock 1
RPM 750
Serie nr. 8023
Storage location Grus pladsen
Mitsubishi S6A3-MPTAW - 1

Engine Type S6A3-MPTAW
Ex Skibs navn Inger Katrine L1
Hours 26550
Number of cylinders 6
Quantity in stock 1
RPM 1530
Serie nr. 37509
Storage location 22 A7-8
Baudouin 6M16 - 1

Engine Type 6M16
Ex Skibs navn Connacht Ranger
Number of cylinders 6
Quantity in stock 1
RPM 1800
Serie nr. 6M160027128KW/1800
Storage location 5 B4-6
Volvo Penta D9A2J MH - 1

Engine Type D9 A2J MH
Ex Skibs navn Martijn
Hours 18000
Number of cylinders 6
Quantity in stock 1
RPM 1800
Serie nr. 1009194937
Storage location 23 A8-9
Volvo Penta D9A2J MH - 1

Engine Type D9 A2J MH
Ex Skibs navn Martijn
Hours 18000
Number of cylinders 6
Quantity in stock 1
RPM 1800
Serie nr. 1009195277
Storage location 23 A4-5
Wärtsilä- Wartsila 6SW 280 - 2010 - 1

Engine Type 6SW280
Ex Skibs navn Maria GO 20
Number of cylinders 6
Quantity in stock 1
RPM 860
Serie nr. 13259
Storage location Ex Pw
Bukh DV 10 - 1

Engine Type DV10
Number of cylinders 1
Quantity in stock 1
RPM 3000
Serie nr. 89031
Storage location Værksted
Scania DI12 41M - 1

Engine Type DI 12
Ex Skibs navn Austria
Number of cylinders 6
Quantity in stock 1
RPM 1800
Serie nr. 6504526
Storage location 24 A9

Engine Type 6FHD 240-G
Ex Skibs navn PZ 199 PW
Number of cylinders 6
Quantity in stock 1
RPM 735
Serie nr. 70945
Storage location Grusplads
Caterpillar 3608 - 1

Engine Type 3608
Ex Skibs navn HD 29
Number of cylinders 8
Quantity in stock 1
RPM 900
Serie nr. 6MC00612
Storage location hal plads
Caterpillar 3508 B - 1

Engine Type 3508 B
Ex Skibs navn Celtic Warrior
Hours 8000*
Number of cylinders 8V
Quantity in stock 1
RPM 1600
Serie nr. 1TW00285
Storage location Gulv hal
Caterpillar 3508 B - 1

Engine Type 3508 B
Ex Skibs navn Endeavour
Number of cylinders 8V
Quantity in stock 1
RPM 1600
Serie nr. 7SM00781
Storage location Gulv hal
Vetus M414A...A - 1

Engine Type M414A
Hours 1822,
Number of cylinders 4
Quantity in stock 1
RPM 3600
Serie nr. 51103
Storage location 24 C6
Sabb Diesel for Spare Parts H 8HK - 1

Engine Type H
Number of cylinders 1
Quantity in stock 1
Serie nr. 93
Storage location 46 B6
MWM D-227/6 - 1

Number of cylinders 6
Quantity in stock 1
RPM 1500
Serie nr. E227.6.01016
Storage location 24 A1
Bukh G105 - 1

Engine Type G105
Number of cylinders 1
Quantity in stock 1
RPM 1500
Serie nr. 26480
Storage location 22 B1
MAK 9M 453AK - 1

Engine Type 9M 453AK
Ex Skibs navn Peewee
Number of cylinders 9
Quantity in stock 1
RPM 600
Serie nr. 26567
Storage location Grusplads
Mitsubishi WDM 70 - 1

Engine Type WDM 70
Number of cylinders 6
Quantity in stock 1
RPM 1500
Serie nr. S6S-103949
Storage location 5 A6
Mitsubishi 6D24TE2 - 1

Engine Type 6D24TE2
Number of cylinders 6
Quantity in stock 1
RPM 1500
Serie nr. 399354
Storage location 24 A6
Wärtsilä- Wartsila W12V32 - 1

Engine Type W12V32
Ex Skibs navn Jon Kjartansson
Number of cylinders 12V
Quantity in stock 1
RPM 750
Serie nr. 20014
Storage location Forhøjet plads hal 2
Liebherr D936LA6 - 1

Engine Type D936
Number of cylinders 6
Quantity in stock 1
RPM 1500 - 1900
Serie nr. 2010046957
Storage location 5 C7-8
Caterpillar C-9 HPU - 1

Engine Type C-9
Ex Skibs navn Eduard
Hours 5500
Number of cylinders 6
Quantity in stock 1
RPM 2200
Serie nr. CLJ01905
Storage location Hal 2
Stork Stripped for parts - 1

Engine Type DRO/218/K
Hours 54668
Number of cylinders 8
Quantity in stock 1
RPM 750
Serie nr. 11125
Storage location Hal 2
MAK 6M332 AK+ CABINET X15- X6.1 - 1

Engine Type M332AK
Ex Skibs navn Lill
Hours 43472
Number of cylinders 6
Quantity in stock 1

Engine Type 6FHD240
Ex Skibs navn PZ 191 PW
Number of cylinders 6
Quantity in stock 1
RPM 800
Serie nr. 70776
Storage location Grusplads
Scania  DI 13 071M - 1

Engine Type DI 13
Ex Skibs navn Helle Jes
Number of cylinders 6
Quantity in stock 1
RPM 1800
Serie nr. 6924334
Storage location 5 A1
Iveco Aifo 8061 06.05.A500 i container - 1

Engine Type 8061
Number of cylinders 6
Quantity in stock 1
Serie nr. 575664
Mercedes OM 403 - 1

Engine Type OM 403
Number of cylinders 10
Quantity in stock 1
RPM 2200
Serie nr. 403.910-000 113400
Storage location 23 A1-2
Caterpillar D 333 - 1

Engine Type D 333
Number of cylinders 6
Quantity in stock 1
RPM 2000
Serie nr. 88B193
Storage location 22 B5
Volvo Penta D16MH - 1

Engine Type D16 MH
Ex Skibs navn RI 275 Karinette
Hours 8000 hours
Number of cylinders 6
Quantity in stock 1
RPM 1800
Serie nr. 1016101572
Storage location 20 B4
Volvo Penta TAMD71B - 1

Engine Type TAMD71B*399423
Number of cylinders 6
Quantity in stock 1
Serie nr. 2071103283
Volvo Penta TAMD7B - 1

Engine Type TAMD7B
Number of cylinders 6
Quantity in stock 1
Serie nr. 2071103284
Caterpillar 3412 - 1

Engine Type 3412
Hours 37315
Number of cylinders 12
Quantity in stock 1
RPM 1800
Serie nr. 9PW00384
Yanmar 1GM10C - 1

Engine Type 1GM10C
Quantity in stock 1
RPM 3400
Serie nr. 00978
Storage location 17 C1
MWM D232 V08 - 1

Engine Type D232 V08
Number of cylinders 8
Quantity in stock 1
RPM 1500
Serie nr. 232.0832332
Storage location 3 A1-2
Caterpillar 3306 - 1

Engine Type 3306
Ex Skibs navn Tjalfe R
Number of cylinders 6
Quantity in stock 1
RPM 2200
Serie nr. 84Z03620
Storage location 5 A7-8
Scania DSI 11 42 - 1

Engine Type M20TNV
Ex Skibs navn Tyr
Hours 38000
Number of cylinders 6
Quantity in stock 1
Serie nr. 5262961
Storage location 5 A9
Caterpillar 3406 - 1

Engine Type 3406
Number of cylinders 6
Quantity in stock 1
Serie nr. 90U19195
Volvo Penta D 13 MH - 1

Engine Type D13 mH
Number of cylinders 6
Quantity in stock 1
RPM 1500
Serie nr. 1013598645
Deutz BF6M 1013M - 1

Engine Type BF6M 1013M
Ex Skibs navn Karm Hannah
Hours 1883
Number of cylinders 6
Quantity in stock 1
RPM 1800-2300
Serie nr. 00610244
Storage location 5 A5
Volvo Penta TWD 710P - 1

Engine Type TWD 710P
Ex Skibs navn PW
Number of cylinders 6
Quantity in stock 1
Serie nr. 699*87741
Storage location 5 A 4-5-6
Perkins LD50317 - 1

Engine Type LD50317
Number of cylinders 4
Quantity in stock 1
RPM 1500
Serie nr. U887678F
Storage location 23 B4
Scania DS11R82ANV - 1

Engine Type DS11R82ANV
Number of cylinders 6
Quantity in stock 1
RPM 1500
Serie nr. 885054
Storage location 24 B1
Mercedes V8 OM - 1

Number of cylinders 8
Quantity in stock 1
Storage location 20 A3-4
Isuzu 3CB1 - 1

Engine Type 3CB1
Ex Skibs navn Julie Diremo
Hours 8105,9
Number of cylinders 3
Quantity in stock 1
RPM 5000
Storage location 37 A6
Scania DN9 40  Variant A25S - 1

Number of cylinders 6
Quantity in stock 1
RPM 1500
Storage location 4 A1
Bergen LDM 6 - 1

Engine Type 6 LDM
Ex Skibs navn Ex PW
Number of cylinders 6
Quantity in stock 1
RPM 750
Storage location Plads
Scania DI16 43 M02 P - 1

Engine Type DI16 43
Hours 19801
Number of cylinders 8
Quantity in stock 1
RPM 1800
Storage location 21 A3-4
Mitsubishi 6D24-TE1 - 1

Engine Type 6D24
Number of cylinders 6
Quantity in stock 1
RPM 2200
Storage location 24 A8
MAN D0836LF01  6 Cyl. - 1

Engine Type D0836LF01
Number of cylinders 6
Quantity in stock 1
Storage location 24 A2
Mitsubishi S6B3-MPTA - 1

Engine Type S6B3 MPTA
Hours 1181,2
Number of cylinders 6
Quantity in stock 1
Scania DSI 11 - 1

Engine Type DSI 11
Number of cylinders 6
Quantity in stock 1
Storage location MELLEM REOL 12-13
Stork-Wärtsilä FHD 240 Roller guide and various pipes, screws and water outlet thermometer - 1

Engine Type 6FHD 240
Ex Skibs navn PZ 191 PW
Number of cylinders 6
Quantity in stock 6
MAN B&W Spare Parts for 20/27 - 1

Engine Type 20/27
Number of cylinders 4
Storage location 13 D4 & 13 BB5-6
Wichmann 9AXAG - 1

Engine Type 9AXAG
Number of cylinders 9
Quantity in stock 1
RPM 475
Serie nr. 5820
Storage location Ex Sar Ranger
Wichmann 9AXAG - 1

Engine Type 9AXAG
Number of cylinders 9
Quantity in stock 1
RPM 475
Serie nr. 5821
Storage location Ex Sar Ranger
Bergen Not complete - 1

Engine Type BRM-6
Number of cylinders 6
Quantity in stock 1
RPM 750
Serie nr. 9001
Storage location Ex Snaefell
B&W Alpha 5T23L - 1

Engine Type 5T23L
Number of cylinders 5
Quantity in stock 1
RPM 750
Caterpillar D 334 - 1

Engine Type D 334
Number of cylinders 6
RPM 1800
Serie nr. 92B1061
Storage location 22 C1
Cummins N-855-C - 1

Engine Type N-855-C
Hours 3000
Number of cylinders 6
Quantity in stock 1
RPM 2100
Serie nr. 23186098
Storage location 23 C7-8
Detroit 4A163758 - 1

Engine Type 4A163758
Hours 2477
Number of cylinders 4
RPM 2200
Storage location 20 A7
Deutz BF6L413FRC - 1

Engine Type BF6L413FRC
Number of cylinders 6
Quantity in stock 1
Storage location 20 B1-2
Deutz 10L413FW - 1

Engine Type 10L413FW
Number of cylinders 10
Quantity in stock 1
RPM 2300
Serie nr. 21018845
Storage location 20 B1-2
Deutz T6L514 - 1

Engine Type T6L514
Number of cylinders 6
RPM 2000
Serie nr. 1633795 / 80
Storage location 23 A 4+5+6
Iveco F4GE485A - 1

Number of cylinders 4
Storage location 19 D6
Lister Petter 3 cylinder - 1

Engine Type TS3A002
Number of cylinders 3
Quantity in stock 1
RPM 2000
Serie nr. 3905167TS3A002
Storage location 21 C3
Lister Petter HA 314 - 1

Engine Type HA 314
Number of cylinders 3
RPM 2200
Storage location 21 C3
MAK 9M 453AK - 1

Engine Type 9M 453AK
Number of cylinders 9
Quantity in stock 1
RPM 600
Serie nr. 26401
Storage location Ex Icefjord
M.A.N. D 2658 M - 1

Engine Type D 2658 M
Number of cylinders 8
Quantity in stock 1
RPM 1620
Serie nr. 101740/19
M.W.M. RHS 618 S - 1

Engine Type RHS 618 S
Number of cylinders 6
Quantity in stock 1
RPM 1500
Serie nr. 30325
Storage location 21 A5-6
Volvo D6A180 EC96 - 1

Engine Type D6A180 EC96
Number of cylinders 6
Quantity in stock 1
RPM 2400
Serie nr. D60131105
Storage location 21 D1
Volvo D6A180 EC96 - 1

Engine Type D6A180 EC96
Number of cylinders 6
Quantity in stock 1
RPM 2400
Serie nr. D60141081
Storage location 21 C2
Volvo TAMD 70E Spare parts - 1

Engine Type 4 Stroke
Number of cylinders 6
Quantity in stock 1
RPM 1800
Storage location 19 B 6
Volvo Penta Volvo MD70 AK - 1

Engine Type MD 70AK
Number of cylinders 6
Quantity in stock 1
RPM 1800
Serie nr. 154*3361
B&W Alpha 6L 28/32A - 1

Engine Type 6L 28/32A
Ex Skibs navn B Gas Laura
Number of cylinders 6
Quantity in stock 1
RPM 201
Serie nr. 17050
Storage location Ex Laura
B&W Alpha 6L 28/32A - 1

Engine Type 6L 28/32A
Number of cylinders 6
Quantity in stock 1
RPM 775
Serie nr. 17052
Storage location Ex Lotta

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